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Principia School


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Press Coverage

Head of School Announcement

In early December, Head of School Dr. Merry Sorrells (C’79) announced her plans to retire as Principia’s Head of School in June 2026. In light of this news, the School is excited to announce the next Head of School will be Terry Grigsby (US’97, C’01).  

Leadership and Gratitude on Display at Lower School Thanksgiving Chapel

The Monday before Thanksgiving, Lower School students gathered in the gym for their annual Thanksgiving chapel to express what Principia’s founder, Mary Kimball Morgan, described as “genuine gratitude expressed in a forgetfulness of self that reaches out to bless others.” (Education at Principia p. 40)

Principia fifth-grader pitches to Upper School "Sharks" in mock Shark Tank

True to Principia's collaborative, co-curricular learning, Jason Hinthorne and Brittany Barnett’s fifth-grade classes turned a history lesson into a holistic, scenario-based undertaking. And if integrating multiple disciplines wasn’t expansive enough, this unit integrated age groups as well—presenting their findings to 13 Upper School "Sharks" for a mock investor pitch.

Building on Spirituality from the Bedrock

As the School bids farewell to its graduates, our administrators reflect on the past year and look to the future. Among the exciting changes ahead, perhaps the most thrilling and expansive are those of the spiritual life program. 

  • Spiritual Life
Greatness Thrust Upon Her: Junior Nne Ezi Competes in New York Shakespeare Competition

You’re in New York, standing in the wings of the Lincoln Center Theater. You’re moments away from performing a Shakespearean soliloquy in front of a panel of judges consisting of Broadway actors and producers. You are one of over 40 performers, assembled from around the country—all talented in their own right. You are the last to take the stage. Would you be nervous?

  • The Arts