Simon Athletic Complex
Principia’s Simon Athletic Complex, named after longtime Principian and beloved coach Bill “Willy K” Simon, is now open and in use. The new complex includes a high-performance athletic field house, an expansive lighted baseball field, and several top-of-the-line, multipurpose fields.
The indoor space and fields not only serve the School's students and teams but allow Principia to attract local athletes and teams to train and compete on the Principia School campus.
The 87,000 square foot Simon Field House includes:
- A cutting-edge fitness and performance center
- Competition gymnasium
- Premium indoor track
- Spacious locker rooms
- Character Education Lab where students, athletes, and coaches gather to focus on character development and work on team-building activities.
The renovated versatile fields are available to host a wide range of activities:
Field hockey
Physical education classes
Bill Simon Field House 1 Year Anniversary
Simon Athletic Complex and Fields
A Tribute to Bill Simon
Learn how the athletic complex will propel Principia athletics forward and read about the legacy of Coach Bill Simon—a man who exemplified grace, patience, courage, and unconditional love.